Sunday, 12 January 2025

Citadel Runequest Broo Regiment - second row finished

 So I've managed to get another row of five Runequest Broo wrapped up, featuring more of my personal favourites from the range.

Two of these favourites are One Leg and Tentacles. Both took a while to track down. They're both perfect as stand out individuals in the regiment.

 Unicorn is also a perfect example of the diversity this fantastic range offers. The small baboon-like creature just oozes that sinister weirdness. Exactly the sort of feel I'm after for this regiment. 

 I've mixed up the new with the first phase lot and the plan is to get another five done soon. I'm going to take a break from them for a short while to work on what will be the supreme commander of my chaos army.



  1. Phenomenal work on these!

  2. Your job is inspiring. Please keep posting minis like these ones.

    1. Thank you very much! More classic Chaos models to come soon!

  3. Absolutely fantastic, I love these!

  4. Impressive from the beginning to the end, I love them so much

    1. Thank you Suber! A lot more Broo still to paint.

  5. These are brilliantly painted, top shout!!
    They are also ideal for what I want.
    I play WFB oldhammer and I need some beastmen that look like aberrations of nature, not like jacked roid bodybuilders.
    I will go and seek some out.

    Great work !!

    1. Cheers Mike. Yeah, definitely prefer this sort of beastman representation. Some of them are harder to track down than others. Good luck
