Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Citadel C33 Adventure Pack - Chaos Hero

  So, as promised, I've painted another of the C33 Adventure series, this time the Chaos Hero. Another one of my all time favourite sculpts, he will be my Chaos General's lieutenant in my growing army.

 It takes me ages to paint the horses for these characters, the tassles are in particular, very time consuming and fidly. I do reckon that these are by far the finest chaos steeds ever produced; with that wonderful baroque barding and detailing plus the tassles just set them off perfectly.

 I just love the C33 foot and mounted range. I do plan on painting more in the series in the future as a project, once I'm bored of painting Chaos figures. 

The Chaos General, army commander with his trusty lieutenant 

 So the plan is to carry on with more warriors for now but I'm bursting with other ideas for the army so I will most likely chop and change with various other chaos models over the coming weeks.


  1. Awesome classic models and fantastic painting!

    1. Thanks Michał! It's such a brilliant model.

  2. Great work, I like the coloured metallics.

    I loved that they did mounted and dismounted versions of the same model.

    1. Thanks Mike. Yeah foot and mounted models are so damn cool! I need to do more.

  3. Wow. I'm not familiar with this model, but I have to say I'm in love with your work. It really stands out, really well done

    1. Thank you so much, Suber. I'm really pleased with how he's turned out.
