Sunday, 12 January 2025

Citadel Runequest Broo Regiment - second row finished

 So I've managed to get another row of five Runequest Broo wrapped up, featuring more of my personal favourites from the range.

Two of these favourites are One Leg and Tentacles. Both took a while to track down. They're both perfect as stand out individuals in the regiment.

 Unicorn is also a perfect example of the diversity this fantastic range offers. The small baboon-like creature just oozes that sinister weirdness. Exactly the sort of feel I'm after for this regiment. 

 I've mixed up the new with the first phase lot and the plan is to get another five done soon. I'm going to take a break from them for a short while to work on what will be the supreme commander of my chaos army.


Monday, 30 December 2024

2024 - Review Time!


 It's that time again, the annual review. 2024 for me, was dominated by the diorama remake which took up most of the year with a break thrown in halfway through.

 There's not much more I can say on it that I haven't already included in its completion post but it's satisfying to have it sat in the cabinet to a standard that I'm very happy with, rather than its previous incarnation that was looking very much tired and outdated.

 Taking a much needed break from the diorama around May, saw me attempt a few small projects but I couldn't manage to get anything finished so there were several weeks of frustration but I did manage to finally get something completed, a classic original Nick Bibby dragon ogre.

 Then it was back to the diorama and an intense and disciplined couple of months to get it all done so I could take on a smaller project before the end of the year, completing in November. 

 So, to see out the remainder of the year, I began working on a regiment of classic Runequest Broo, which is part of a plan to develop my old chaos army, which will include redoing a good deal of previously painted stuff, mainly chaos warriors that were done 25+ years ago. 

 Hopefully 2025 will see me take on smaller projects and will be able to post considerably more variety than this year. Apart from plenty of classic chaos models, I plan to work on a Rogue Trader Space Pirate gang plus maybe a small vignette but at the moment a definite theme hasn't been confirmed. 


Thursday, 5 December 2024

Citadel Runequest Broo and Beastmen Update


 So I've been continuing with the Runequest broo but I've also included a rather rare treat into the mix: a Citadel pre slotta two-headed centaur beastman. 

 As far as I know, he wasn't part of the Citadel C38 pre slotta beastmen range, nor the C34 beastmen raiders. There's very little info out there on him from what I can see and I've certainly never seen any other painted examples of him either. I don't think I've even seen him listed on ebay since I bought this one and that must have been around 2017. 

 He's definitely quite a bizarre looking sculpt but he more than fits the broo aesthetic and just about squeezes onto a 25mm square base so ranks up nicely in the regiment. Also, he's armed with some rather contrasting weaponry; an oriental katana and a primitive, brutish club. Weird! Any more info on this fellow would be appreciated so please feel free to comment.

The ever-growing front rank of Broo 

 His comrade in arms is a classic Runequest Broo; one of the more extreme looking ones and definitely one of my favourites. I've currently got more on the go as well, plus another chaos personality, which should be wrapped up this weekend.


Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Citadel Runequest Broo


 So, after finishing the diorama, I took a good week or so to decide what's next. I've plenty of ideas lined up but ultimately, decided on some classic Runequest Broo miniatures. 

 I've been collecting Broo for a number of years now but have never felt it's the right time to actually crack on with them. Originally released back in 1983 (I think!), a lot of these guys featured prominently in Bryan Ansell's legendary chaos army. There are plenty of bizarre looking variants in the range and the two headed guy above is my favourite so I had to paint him first.

 The main thing that I had to think about was what skin colour I was going to opt for. I won't be painting all of them in the same skin tone but I decided on a greenish grey for the first few. 

 Some time back, I painted a classic Asgard Half Troll which will be represented as a beastlord and regiment commander. The plan is to paint a few of the broo and see how I go. Ideally, I'd like to get two or three ranks painted and now I've found a skin recipe, I feel this is pretty doable. I'm already working on more, so expect to see another broo post in a week or so.

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Citadel Undead Diorama Remake - Completed

  Well, after the best part of a year, with a four month break during the summer, my diorama remake is finally complete. 

 I have to admit, the last month was a bit of a slog and I can't see myself painting anymore zombies anytime soon! There were one or two zombie new additions this time and one or two that missed out, mainly due to the smaller base size and I ran out of room.

 Another new feature is the tree which is a 3D print from the excellent Critical Terrain. Its presence against the skyline gives the whole piece an extra dynamic. It's the first time I've actually ever painted a tree and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. 

 Ultimately, I'm so glad I went for this, after a long time seeing the old version in the cabinet and feeling it wasn't up to scratch.

 So, I've spent the last few days wondering what will be next. I think the upcoming weeks will be spent working on single miniatures and keeping it simple, rather than any specific projects. 

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Citadel Undead Diorama Remake - Phase Five


 So after four months break from the diorama and a dragon ogre palette cleanser, I've resumed the main project and have managed to wrap up the phase with the largest footprint. 

 It's important to incorporate height into a diorama and here we have the shrine that overlooks the graveyard. The shrine piece is the same as I used on the initial diorama project, which is from Scotia Grendel. 

 Three packs of milliput went into the hill and like the rest of the base, a thin layer of green stuff which is then textured. 

At the base of the hill is the wizard of the adventuring party. I used the high level Magic User model from the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons range. The pair of elves are troopers from the Regiments of Renown Skarloc's Elf Archers box set. Finally, I've used the classic Death Elemental figure, accompanied by a chaos familiar, lurking at the back, unnoticed so far.

 With all that milliput, it's beginning to get a little bit weighty but I'm on the home straight now and it's mainly just zombies to go, albeit a fair few of them!

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Citadel DS2 Dragon Ogre

 Well I've struggled to get anything painted for about four months now. Had a fair bit of life getting in the way and all that plus I felt I needed a break from the diorama. I'd tried a few ideas with various small projects and nothing seemed to stick. In the end, I went back to a model I'd made a start on about two years ago. Nick Bibby's iconic dragon ogre.

 I remember purchasing this from Southampton Games Workshop in about 1989 or 1990. Being only about 14, I was a bit out of my depth trying to build it, plus it has some difficult joins to get over, especially where I wouldn't have had the tools to pin it. I believe it was the first time I used epoxy resin as well, which I recall being a rather messy affair. I remember stripping and redoing it around the mid 90's then would have stripped it again at some point, only for it to remain stored away in the Chaos box for years.

 Fast forward to now and I decided to opt, as with the original GW staff paint job, red armour which would contrast well with a pale, sickly flesh tone. The flesh was quite a lengthy process of layering up plus the blending to the darker toned legs took a bit of messing around with.

 I've also repositioned the left arm and drilled out the fist as I intend to equip him with a chaos banner and I have just the thing; and pretty unique as well, thanks to the insane skills of Roberth Breséus. 

 That'll have to wait for now as the much needed break has motivated me into returning to the diorama.