Monday, 30 December 2024

2024 - Review Time!


 It's that time again, the annual review. 2024 for me, was dominated by the diorama remake which took up most of the year with a break thrown in halfway through.

 There's not much more I can say on it that I haven't already included in its completion post but it's satisfying to have it sat in the cabinet to a standard that I'm very happy with, rather than its previous incarnation that was looking very much tired and outdated.

 Taking a much needed break from the diorama around May, saw me attempt a few small projects but I couldn't manage to get anything finished so there were several weeks of frustration but I did manage to finally get something completed, a classic original Nick Bibby dragon ogre.

 Then it was back to the diorama and an intense and disciplined couple of months to get it all done so I could take on a smaller project before the end of the year, completing in November. 

 So, to see out the remainder of the year, I began working on a regiment of classic Runequest Broo, which is part of a plan to develop my old chaos army, which will include redoing a good deal of previously painted stuff, mainly chaos warriors that were done 25+ years ago. 

 Hopefully 2025 will see me take on smaller projects and will be able to post considerably more variety than this year. Apart from plenty of classic chaos models, I plan to work on a Rogue Trader Space Pirate gang plus maybe a small vignette but at the moment a definite theme hasn't been confirmed. 


Thursday, 5 December 2024

Citadel Runequest Broo and Beastmen Update


 So I've been continuing with the Runequest broo but I've also included a rather rare treat into the mix: a Citadel pre slotta two-headed centaur beastman. 

 As far as I know, he wasn't part of the Citadel C38 pre slotta beastmen range, nor the C34 beastmen raiders. There's very little info out there on him from what I can see and I've certainly never seen any other painted examples of him either. I don't think I've even seen him listed on ebay since I bought this one and that must have been around 2017. 

 He's definitely quite a bizarre looking sculpt but he more than fits the broo aesthetic and just about squeezes onto a 25mm square base so ranks up nicely in the regiment. Also, he's armed with some rather contrasting weaponry; an oriental katana and a primitive, brutish club. Weird! Any more info on this fellow would be appreciated so please feel free to comment.

The ever-growing front rank of Broo 

 His comrade in arms is a classic Runequest Broo; one of the more extreme looking ones and definitely one of my favourites. I've currently got more on the go as well, plus another chaos personality, which should be wrapped up this weekend.