Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Citadel C33 Adventure Pack - Chaos Hero

  So, as promised, I've painted another of the C33 Adventure series, this time the Chaos Hero. Another one of my all time favourite sculpts, he will be my Chaos General's lieutenant in my growing army.

 It takes me ages to paint the horses for these characters, the tassles are in particular, very time consuming and fidly. I do reckon that these are by far the finest chaos steeds ever produced; with that wonderful baroque barding and detailing plus the tassles just set them off perfectly.

 I just love the C33 foot and mounted range. I do plan on painting more in the series in the future as a project, once I'm bored of painting Chaos figures. 

The Chaos General, army commander with his trusty lieutenant 

 So the plan is to carry on with more warriors for now but I'm bursting with other ideas for the army so I will most likely chop and change with various other chaos models over the coming weeks.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Citadel Chaos Warriors - Front Rank Finished


  So I've managed to get the front rank of my chaos warrior regiment squared off, which has included a converted standard bearer. 

 The standard top is an excellent piece which is from the standard bearer from the Regiments of Renown Despoiling Hobgoblins of the Darklands set. I was a little reluctant to knife up such a nice miniature but the standard top was too good not to use for this project.

 The right hand model is Bone Racker from the C35 Chaos Warrior range, a Perry sculpt, armed with an impressive looking battle axe. On the left is Mighty Zog Arkwright, an Aly Morrison model (I believe), which I actually painted a couple of years or more ago. Zog is probably my most favourite chaos warrior of all. 

So with the addition of the recently painted unreleased chaos general and the Counter Collect warrior, the front rank makes for a pretty unique display. 

 I'll be working on a second rank very soon, with the plan to have three ranks of five. Meanwhile, the next project will be another foot and mounted character. 


Friday, 7 February 2025

Citadel Unreleased Chaos General and Counter Collect Chaos Warrior


 I've been meaning to make a start on a chaos warrior regiment but wanted a couple of ranks of broo finished first. The first pair are done and I've gone for two rarities to kick off.

 On the left we have a very rare model indeed. In fact, I only purchased this a couple of weeks ago and had never even seen it before, other than the image in the unreleased section of the Collecting Citadel Miniatures wiki page. I think it had been in my ebay watch list for about 12 years and was stunned to see it come up. I'm delighted to have been able to add it to the army and to be honest, never expected to ever get my hands on one. 

 On the right is the fairly scarce chaos warrior from the Counter Collect range from 1984. Basically, you would collect counters from blister packs that would form the image of a particular miniature; Wizard, Barbarian, Ogre etc, then send them off to claim the figure. This particular model is one of my favourite chaos warriors. I just love that armour and his elaborate mace. The shield is very unique also. 

 I don't always take photos of the backs of my miniatures these days but seeing how scarce these boys are, it makes sense to.

 There are more chaos warriors to come and should hopefully have another two or three ready next week, one being a converted standard bearer.

Monday, 20 January 2025

Citadel C33 Adventure Pack - Chaos General


 So with my broo regiment at a point where I can take a break, I've opted for the overall commander of my chaos army, the foot and mounted Chaos General from the C33 Adventure Pack series.

 Also doubling up as Dart, Earl of Harkness from the McDeath scenario, the Chaos General is one of four foot and mounted Chaos models from the C33 range. I've painted them all before in the past but he is the first to be repainted. All four are some of my favourite models of all time, for their style and unique design and were highly sought after by myself for many a long year, back in the pre Ebay days and took a lot of effort to finally land them. 

 The horses for this range are wonderfully detailed but they're damned time consuming to work on and I certainly won't be doing the other three in one hit. One a month may sound a little more realistic. 

 So the plan is to carry on with the chaos theme but I haven't decided to work on the third rank of the Broo regiment or Chaos Warriors yet. Or maybe something else.


Sunday, 12 January 2025

Citadel Runequest Broo Regiment - second row finished

 So I've managed to get another row of five Runequest Broo wrapped up, featuring more of my personal favourites from the range.

Two of these favourites are One Leg and Tentacles. Both took a while to track down. They're both perfect as stand out individuals in the regiment.

 Unicorn is also a perfect example of the diversity this fantastic range offers. The small baboon-like creature just oozes that sinister weirdness. Exactly the sort of feel I'm after for this regiment. 

 I've mixed up the new with the first phase lot and the plan is to get another five done soon. I'm going to take a break from them for a short while to work on what will be the supreme commander of my chaos army.