Friday, 8 February 2019

Citadel C23 Oriental Ogre

 As this Nippon warband has grown, it's been essential that I include the classic Jes Goodwin  oriental ogre as one of the stand out figures.

 He's actually a recent purchase (big thanks to Steve Casey there!) and I can't believe it's taken 30 odd years to finally get around to adding him to the collection.

 It goes without saying that's he's an incredible sculpt; plenty of lovely detail there. I particularly like the skull pommelled sword.

The warband gain some brute muscle in the form of an ogre

 So I've just got three figures to go to complete the warband. Well two actually as I've got one of them squared off already.


  1. Fantastic addition to the group. I love that texture you've managed on his blade- did you supple the paint on? Beautiful delicate basing too!

    1. Thanks a lot Jon. The blade was done with my usual armour technique. Very subtle drybrushing gradually highlighting up from leadbelcher to whatever that silver is that for some reason is more expensive than the other paints

  2. Awesome stuff Ned! Tho I feel like you almost need to convert him a back banner. Just a suggestion of course. ;)

    1. Thanks Tom! The orc general banner is a perfect example for that. Sadly I don't have one at present.

  3. Well it may have taken 30 years but the result was worth it.

    1. Thanks Phil. Yeah one of life's mysteries, perhaps I felt I never had a use for him. I couldn't see the warband without him, for sure.

  4. Great add to your warband. This Nippogre is fantastic, I love it 😄

    1. Cheers Nico. Glad you like him. Had a lot of fun painting him.

  5. Yes! Another great paintjob for this warband.

    1. Thanks Sean. The whole group have been great fun, if not tricky colourwise, to work on.

  6. You've really brought him to life with all the different colours. And I like how you've done the metals in different colours and with different techniques. You're always really sophisticated with your colour choices.

    1. High praise indeed Curis! Thank you! I take a lot of time procrastinating over colour choices, perhaps too much sometimes but I guess it proves the making or breaking of a good paint job.
